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Let It All Hang Out

The Greening Committee invites you to join in a fun contest to support the environment. If you don’t already, hang your laundry outside for one week. Why air dry? 10% of a typical household’s energy use is from the dryer. Air drying reduces that, which is better for Mother Earth AND your wallet! It will …

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CPR, AED, and First Aid Training

This training is for anyone age 13 or older -- great for babysitters! Idylwylde has generously agreed to let us use their hall (6301 Sherwood Rd.) for this training. What you will learn: What you will receive: IMPORTANT: Preregistration and prepayment are required for this event. Price: $90Preregistration is open until JULY 10.To register, email …

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Greening Commitee Mtg

Contact greening@lakewalker.org to attend the meeting. This meeting occurs the last Tuesday of each month beginning in February and ending in October. 

CANCELED! National Night Out

Canceled for 2024: City delayed it due to forecast for 8/6 and volunteers aren't available on the new date. This is an annual tradition that encourages neighbors to come together to connect, build a safer and more caring community, and share safety and awareness information with each other. Join your Lake Walker neighbors at the …

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Dumpster Day

The dumpster will be delivered near the corner of Hollen and Yorkshire.We also collect canned goods for the C.A.R.E.S. food pantry at the dumpster location. The dumpster's typically delivered in the morning, but the city may deliver it as late as 1 p.m. Neither the LWCA, nor the volunteers who monitor the dumpster, have control …

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Dumpster Day

The dumpster will be delivered near the corner of Hollen and Yorkshire.We also collect canned goods for the C.A.R.E.S. food pantry at the dumpster location. The dumpster's typically delivered in the morning, but the city may deliver it as late as 1 p.m. Neither the LWCA, nor the volunteers who monitor the dumpster, have control …

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Lake Walker Community Association General Meeting (Hybrid)

Lake Walker Community Association General Meeting Make sure you receive notifications if you'd like to attend remotely: Email communications@lakewalker.org to get our email alerts. If you have an agenda item, please contact the board. Meeting Dates (7:30-9 p.m.)

LW Night at Belvedere Square

One of the biggest benefits of our neighborhood is its proximity to Belvedere Square. Let's get together to enjoy it! It's also an opportunity to catch up with neighbors. and to support some of the vendors that have supported our block party over the years. Some vendors will offer discounts. Get more details by subscribing …

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York Road Partnership Meeting (Hybrid)

7:15 p.m., Govans Boundary United Methodist Church, 5210 York Rd. and online Parking and entrance in the rear of the church. Recurring mtg on first Wed. of every month. Please bring non-perishable food items for the CARES food pantry.

Lake Walker Community Association General Meeting (Hybrid)

Lake Walker Community Association General Meeting Make sure you receive notifications if you'd like to attend remotely: Email communications@lakewalker.org to get our email alerts. If you have an agenda item, please contact the board. Meeting Dates (7:30-9 p.m.)