Lake Walker lies on the western edge of the Herring Run Watershed, a 31 square mile area that encompasses the northeast side of Baltimore City and the south central side of Baltimore County. The Herring Run Watershed drains runoff through 41 miles of streams that eventually flow into the Chesapeake Bay. Lake Walker residents are environmentally conscious and are involved in many ways to help retain and improve the natural beauty of our community.

In conjunction with the Herring Run Watershed Association, Lake Walker has hosted a rain barrel workshop where numerous residents have built their own rain barrels to conserve water by collecting rainwater run off from their roofs to use for gardening. HRWA hosts native plant sales twice a year where residents purchase plants native to the mid-Atlantic area. In conjunction with the City of Baltimore and HRWA, Lake Walker has increased its tree cover by planting street trees. Compost bins and vegetable gardens are popping up all over Lake Walker!

Visit the Herring Run Watershed Association website for more information.